Home GPS Application GPS/ GPRS Tracking technique

GPS/ GPRS Tracking technique


Instead of GPS/GSM, GPS/GSM/GPRS system uses GPRS technology to transmit data to server via Mobile phone  network and uses GSM to send SMS configuration only such as restart,setup device.

With GPS/GSM system, there will be used SMS to send the request to the device to get the current position or set the device to send to the server frequently that we could see the system using SMS as data transferring method and the enduser must be equiped GSM modem for this purpose. Meanwhile GPS, GPRS more complicated that you need to build a server system and SMS center to meet the data incoming from the GPS devices in movement objects. GSM is real slow (6 to 20 seconds for 1 sending success) as compared against GPRS (1/100 to 1/20 second for 1 sending success). And we could easily find out the cost for GSM (200VND to 300VND/1 message) is also real hard more GPRS (1k - 1VND/sending)


In some action films related to track a movement object that you know and familiar about scene appeared objects moving on the street by street and passing buildings... There would be sure that these objects were attached GPS tracking devices, and they can be seen in the screen via satellites and existed radio wave support (UHF, GSM/GPRS, Wifi...)

We use full GPRS technique for data sending/receiving purpose; Web interface designed with total support and update daily alway make our customers and partners fill comfortable not only for the system but also for the service: www.adagps.com.

ADA - DragonFly Diagram

  1. Start tracking: From the system, user sending a configuration command (frequency time, tracking mode, start/stop tracking...)
  2. Get Position: GPS device will get the coordination from the satellites and be ready for the next step
  3. Reply Position: the device will send the tracking information to server following timing frequency until receiving a stop command

With GPS, GSM, GPRS tracking system, the device will be receive (or set by computer) only one configuration command then reply the tracking information in frequency predefined by user. Following the above diagram, the cost for the system will include SMS cost, GPRS package, server and ADSL rental

System will be set 60 second replying in default.

Running cost

  • Satellite rental is free
  • GPRS cost much more cheaper from 100 - 200 times as compared SMS message (1 Sending package mode)
  • GPS server rentel, SIM subscriber or SIM card prepaid monthly fee


All problem products, please contact our Technical Support Center & Customer Care:

[A]: 500 Cong Hoa, HCMC
[T]: (+84-8) 2247.6253
[F]: (+84-8) 3810.8290
[M]: htkt@adasolution.net
[H]: 0906.99.75.65


ADA HeadOffice HCMC
Adress: 108 Thong Nhat Str., Tan Thanh Ward, Tan Phu Dist., HCMC
Telephone: (08) 38 108 289   Fax: (08) 38 108 290
Mr. Nguyen

Mobile: +84-902.734.366
Email: nguyennh@magiwan.com

ADA Hanoi Branch
Adress: 210/28, Hoang Quoc Viet Str., Cau Giay Dist., HaNoi

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Adress: 15 Nguyen Huu Tho Str, Hai Chau Dist., DaNang




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